PC Shekhar, renowned for directing films like 'Romeo', 'Chaddidost', 'Arjuna', and 'Style King', embarks on a new cinematic venture. Titled 'BAD', the film stars Nakul Gowda in the lead role, and its unconventional concept eschews traditional hero-heroine dynamics in favor of a cast of villains.
A unique filmmaking technique known as the "Roshman Effect," introduced by a Japanese director, is being employed in this rare Kannada production. Different perspectives shape the same story, allowing viewers to experience diverse narratives.
The majority of the film's shooting has been completed, with only a few days of filming remaining, as per the director's update. 'BAD' features a screenplay by Sachin B. Halgundi, known for his work in "Raga" and "The Terrorist," while Arjunya composes the music. Shakti Shekhar handles cinematography, and G. Rajasekhar takes charge of art direction.